Captain Yahya Alizadeh’s CV

Work Experience:

Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines:

Kito and Sekan Companies (subsidiaries of IOEC):

  • November 22, 2013 to July 12, 2016
  • Served as Captain
  • Offshore activities in the South Pars gas fields and participation in the startup of phases 12, 19, 20, and 21 as the captain of the crane barge.

Deep Sea Technology Company:

  • June 15, 2017 to July 30, 2020
  • Served as Marine Operations Manager and Head of Marine Base
  • Loading, transportation, and installation of FSP13D, FSP13C, FSP24B, and FSP13A three-legged jackets
  • Installation of Forouzan A and 21A20 four-legged jackets
  • Loading, transportation, and installation of SPD22, SPD14C, SPD13B, SPD13D, SPD24A, SPD14B, SPD24B, SPD23, SPD14D, SPD13A, and SPD13C South Pars gas platforms
  • Loading and installation of an AFRAMAX engine on Sadra Island.

Official Instructor of Ports and Maritime Organization:

  • Taught courses on navigation officer training, seamanship, safety of four elements, advanced firefighting, lifeboats and survival at sea, familiarization with oil and chemical tankers, and port logistics courses for port agency companies on a part-time basis.

Key Skills and Expertise:

  • 23 years of experience in the shipping industry
  • Extensive experience in various fields including navigation, ship operations, management, and leadership
  • Holds various certificates including a certificate of command of ocean-going vessels, a radar navigation certificate, and a ship safety management certificate
  • Experienced, skilled, and motivated individual
  • Committed and responsible individual
  • Places great importance on the safety and health of his crew and ship

Captain Yahya Alizadeh is a valuable asset to the Iranian shipping industry. He is a role model for young people and a symbol of commitment and expertise.

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