A U.S. official stated on Tuesday that U.S. president Donald Trump would restore his “maximum-pressure” campaign against Iran and bring its oil exports to zero.
Iran has threatened repeatedly to close down the Strait of Hormuz as a response to Western pressure. This would lead to the closure of trade in the region and a rise in oil prices.
Here are some details on the Strait of Hormuz:
The Strait is located between Oman, Iran and the Gulf of Oman. It connects the Gulf of Oman in the north with the Arabian Sea to the south.
The shipping lane is only two miles wide (three kilometers) in each direction. It’s narrowest point is 21 miles wide (33 km).
Why does it matter?
Around a fifth (or 18-19 million barrels of oil per day) or fuel, condensate, and oil are transported through the Strait.
OPEC member Saudi Arabia, Iran and the UAE export the majority of their crude oil via the Strait mainly to Asia.
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have been looking for other routes to bypass this Strait.
The U.S. Government says that existing UAE and Saudi pipelines with unused capacity of 2.6 million bpd could be used to bypass Hormuz.
Qatar, which is the largest LNG exporter in the world, ships almost all its LNG through this Strait. This accounts for about a quarter (25%) of the global LNG usage.
Iran has repeatedly threatened to close the Strait, but it never did.
Fifth Fleet of the United States, based out of Bahrain, has been tasked to protect commercial shipping in this area.
History of Tensions
In 1973, Arab producers, led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), imposed an oil embargo against Western supporters of Israel during its war with Egypt.
OPEC crude is now mainly purchased by Asia, not the West.
In the past two decades, the United States has more than doubled the amount of oil liquids it produces. It is now one of the largest oil exporters in the world.
In the Tanker War, which lasted from 1980-1988 between Iran and Iraq, both sides tried to disrupt the other’s exports.
A U.S. Warship shot down a Iranian airliner in July 1988. Washington claimed it was an accident, while Tehran said that the attack was deliberate.
Iran had threatened to close the Strait as a retaliation against U.S. sanctions and European ones. In May 2019, four vessels, including two Saudi oil tankers, were attacked near the UAE coast outside the Strait of Hormuz.
(source: Reuters)