Ocean Shelter Shipping Company
Vessel: ETA: Port Loading:
Cargo:   mt
No. Subject Description / Method of calculation as per tariff Estimate USD
1 Port Entrance Duties GT*0.0192 USD
2 light & Boyage dues GT*0.0383 USD
3 Discharge And Loading C.QTY * 0.03190 USD
4 Dredging GT*0.1990 USD
5 Pilotage (berthing& unberthing) GT*0.1916 USD USD
6 Tugboat Charge (berthing& unberthing) GT*0.3834 USD USD
7 Overtime Loading/Unloading on berth(outside working hrs) GT*0.03190*5% USD
8 Side Wharfage within norm GT*0.00033*Port Stay Norm HRS USD
9 Side Wharfage More Than Norm GT*0.0073*Port Stay More Than Norm HRS USD
10 Garbage Expenses Rate * Day USD
11 Quarantine Charges 68.2 USD USD
12 Custom's & guard inspection* GT*0.030 USD USD
13 Arrival Wage Payable every 3 months 200 EUR USD
14 Maritime safety & protection charges GT*0.1282 USD USD
15 Customs demand including 50% Discount USD
Total Port Exps: USD
Grand Total Amount.(+10% VAT) USD
Discounts for OSSC customer = % * Grand Total Amount.(10% VAT) USD
Grand Total Amount To Be Paid USD
Final Payment in UAE Dirhams (Exchange rate 3.675 AED) AED

Remarks :

Agency fee 800 USD.
The PDA according to port tariff calculated for 5 days alongside .
Port Official Time:
 port working Hrs from 07:00 Hrs to 15:00 Hrs
 out side working Hrs (over time) from 15:00 Hrs to 19:00 Hrs
 Nights from 19:00 Hrs to 07:00 Hrs
 If pilotage during outside working Hrs, then 10% of total pilotage charges will be added
 If pilotage during night time, then 20% of total pilotage charges will be added

Ocean Shelter Shipping Company
Vessel: ETA: Port Loading:
Cargo:   mt
No. Subject Description / Method of calculation as per tariff Estimate USD
1 Port Entrance Duties GT*0.0192 USD USD
2 light & Boyage dues GT*0.0383 USD
3 Discharge And Loading C.QTY * 0.03190 USD
4 Dredging GT*0.089 USD +83$ USD
5 Pilotage GT*0.1916 USD USD
6 Pilotage (Overtime Night/Holyday) GT*0.08622 USD X 20% USD
7 Tugboat Charge GT*0.70 USD USD
8 Overtime Loading/Unloading on berth(outside working hrs) GT*0.03190*5% USD
9 Overtime Loading/Unloading on berth(nights & Holidays) GT*0.03190*15% USD
10 Side Wharfage within norm (3 days) GT*0.0445*Port Stay Norm HRS +348$ USD
11 Side Wharfage More Than Norm GT*0.0445*Port Stay More Than Norm HRS+20% USD
12 Garbage Expenses GT *0.0445 +70$ USD
13 Quarantine Charges 68.2 USD USD
14 Custom's & guard inspection* GT*0.030 USD USD
15 Private port security for 3 days GT*0.0445*Port Stay 3 Days +55$ USD
16 private port security more than of 3 days ×(20%) GT*0.0445*Port Stay More Than Norm HRS+20% USD
17 Maritime safety & protection charges GT*0.1282 USD USD
Total Port Exps: USD
Grand Total Amount.(+10% VAT) USD
Discounts for OSSC customer = % * Grand Total Amount.(10% VAT) USD
Grand Total Amount To Be Paid USD
Final payment in UAE Dirhams (Exchange rate 3.675 AED) AED

Remarks :

Agency fee 800 USD.
The PDA according to port tariff calculated for 5 days alongside .
Port Official Time:
 port working Hrs from 07:00 Hrs to 15:00 Hrs
 out side working Hrs (over time) from 15:00 Hrs to 19:00 Hrs
 Nights from 19:00 Hrs to 07:00 Hrs
 If pilotage during outside working Hrs, then 10% of total pilotage charges will be added
 If pilotage during night time, then 20% of total pilotage charges will be added

Ocean Shelter Shipping Company
Vessel: ETA: Port Loading:
Cargo:   mt
No. Subject Description / Method of calculation as per tariff Estimate USD
1 Port Entrance Duties GT*0.0192 USD USD
2 light & Boyage dues GT*0.0383 USD
3 Discharge And Loading C.QTY * 0.03190 USD
4 Dredging N/A USD
5 Pilotage on the round trip GT*0.1916 USD USD
6 Tugboat Expenses GT*0.3834 USD
7 Quarantine Charges 68.2 USD USD
8 Custom's & guard inspection* GT*0.030 USD USD
9 Maritime safety & protection charges GT*0.1282 USD USD
10 Side Wharfage ( Port Stay) GT*0.12*Port Stay Norm Day USD
11 Garbage Expenses Fix USD
Total Port Exps: USD
Grand Total Amount.(+10% VAT) USD
Discounts for OSSC customer = % * Grand Total Amount.(10% VAT) USD
Grand Total Amount To Be Paid USD
Final payment in UAE Dirhams (Exchange rate 3.675 AED) AED

Remarks :

Agency fee 800 USD.
The PDA according to port tariff calculated for 5 days alongside .
Port Official Time:
 port working Hrs from 07:00 Hrs to 15:00 Hrs
 out side working Hrs (over time) from 15:00 Hrs to 19:00 Hrs
 Nights from 19:00 Hrs to 07:00 Hrs
 If pilotage during outside working Hrs, then 10% of total pilotage charges will be added
 If pilotage during night time, then 20% of total pilotage charges will be added